How To Increase Your Instagram Engagement

Table of Contents

Increasing Engagement: Best Practices
Increasing Engagement: Common Mistakes
Increasing Engagement : FAQ


As a social media marketer, I know how important it is to have an engaged audience on Instagram. I recently heard a story about a small business owner who was struggling to get her Instagram account off the ground. She was posting regularly, but her posts weren’t getting any engagement. After doing some research, she discovered that the key to increasing her engagement was to focus on creating content that was relevant to her target audience.

Increasing your Instagram engagement is essential for any business or individual looking to build a successful presence on the platform. Engagement is the key to growing your following, increasing brand awareness, and ultimately driving more sales. It’s also important for staying top-of-mind with your followers and building relationships with them. By creating content that resonates with your audience, you can increase your engagement and reach more people. Additionally, using the right hashtags and engaging with other accounts can help you get more visibility and reach a larger audience.

Overall, increasing your Instagram engagement is essential for any business or individual looking to build a successful presence on the platform. With the right strategies and tactics, you can create content that resonates with your audience and drive more engagement.

Increasing Engagement: Best Practices

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, and it’s a great way to reach potential customers and build relationships with them. However, it can be difficult to get your posts seen and get people to engage with them. Here are some best practices for increasing your Instagram engagement.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to get your posts seen by more people. When you use relevant hashtags, your posts will show up in the feeds of people who are interested in the topic. You can also use popular hashtags to get more visibility. Just make sure to use hashtags that are relevant to your post and don’t use too many.

Post Quality Content

The key to getting people to engage with your posts is to post quality content. Make sure your posts are interesting, informative, and visually appealing. You should also post regularly so that your followers know when to expect new content.

Engage With Your Followers

Engaging with your followers is a great way to build relationships and get more engagement. Reply to comments, ask questions, and share other people’s posts. This will show your followers that you care about them and that you’re interested in what they have to say.

Use Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to engage with your followers and get more visibility. You can use stories to share behind-the-scenes content, ask questions, and give sneak peeks of upcoming products or services.

Run Contests

Running contests is a great way to get people to engage with your posts. You can ask people to comment, like, or share your posts to enter the contest. You can also ask people to tag their friends or post a photo with your product.

Use Influencers

nfluencers are people who have a large following on social media. You can collaborate with influencers to get more visibility and engagement. You can ask them to post about your product or service, or you can offer them a free product or service in exchange for a post.

Post at the Right Time

Timing is important when it comes to getting more engagement. You should post when your followers are most active. You can use analytics tools to find out when your followers are online and post during those times.

Use Video

Video is a great way to engage with your followers. You can use video to show off your products or services, give tutorials, or just have fun. Videos are more engaging than photos, so they’re a great way to get more engagement.

Use Ads

Ads are a great way to get more visibility and engagement. You can use ads to target specific audiences and get more people to engage with your posts. Just make sure to use relevant hashtags and post quality content so that your ads are effective.

Analyze Your Results

Analyzing your results is a great way to see what’s working and what’s not. You can use analytics tools to track your engagement and see which posts are getting the most likes, comments, and shares. This will help you figure out what kind of content your followers like and what kind of content you should post more of.

These are some of the best practices for increasing your Instagram engagement. By following these tips, you’ll be able to get more visibility and engagement on your posts. Just remember to post quality content, use relevant hashtags, and engage with your followers.

Increasing Engagement: Common Mistakes

Not Posting Consistently

One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to increasing their Instagram engagement is not posting consistently. It’s important to post regularly in order to keep your followers engaged and interested in your content. If you don’t post regularly, your followers may forget about you and move on to other accounts.

It’s also important to post at the right times. Different times of the day will have different levels of engagement, so it’s important to experiment and find out what works best for your account.

Not Using Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to increase your reach and engagement on Instagram. They allow you to connect with people who are interested in the same topics as you, and they can help you get more followers.

However, it’s important to use the right hashtags. Don’t just use popular hashtags that don’t relate to your content. Instead, use hashtags that are relevant to your content and that will help you reach the right people.

Not Engaging With Your Followers

Engaging with your followers is one of the best ways to increase your Instagram engagement. When you comment on other people’s posts, they’re more likely to comment on yours. It’s also important to respond to comments on your own posts. This shows your followers that you care about them and that you’re listening to what they have to say.

Not Posting Quality Content

Posting quality content is essential if you want to increase your Instagram engagement. People are more likely to engage with content that is interesting, informative, and visually appealing. Make sure to post content that is relevant to your brand and that will resonate with your followers.

Not Using Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to engage with your followers and to show them a more personal side of your brand. Stories are a great way to share behind-the-scenes content, to show off new products, and to give your followers a glimpse into your day-to-day life.

Not Analyzing Your Results

Analyzing your results is essential if you want to increase your Instagram engagement. You should be tracking your engagement rate, your reach, and other metrics to see what’s working and what’s not. This will help you adjust your strategy and make sure you’re getting the most out of your Instagram account.

Not Using Ads

Instagram ads are a great way to increase your reach and engagement. Ads allow you to target specific audiences and to get your content in front of the right people. They’re also a great way to drive traffic to your website or to promote a new product or service.

Not Collaborating With Other Accounts

Collaborating with other accounts is a great way to increase your reach and engagement. When you collaborate with other accounts, you can get your content in front of their followers, and they can get their content in front of yours. This is a great way to reach new audiences and to get more engagement on your posts.

Not Posting Videos

Videos are a great way to engage with your followers and to get more engagement on your posts. Videos are more engaging than photos, and they’re a great way to show off your products or services.

Not Asking Questions

Asking questions is a great way to engage with your followers and to get more engagement on your posts. When you ask questions, you’re giving your followers a chance to interact with you and to share their thoughts and opinions. This is a great way to build relationships with your followers and to get more engagement on your posts.

Increasing Engagement : FAQ

What Are The Best Ways To Increase Instagram Engagement?

The best ways to increase Instagram engagement are to post regularly, use relevant hashtags, use stories, use Instagram Live, use Instagram Ads, use influencers, use contests and giveaways, use polls, use user-generated content, and use Instagram Insights.

How Often Should I Post On Instagram?

The frequency of your posts will depend on your goals and the type of content you’re posting. Generally, it’s best to post at least once a day, but you can post up to three times a day if you’re trying to reach a larger audience.

What Are The Best Hashtags To Use On Instagram?

The best hashtags to use on Instagram are those that are relevant to your content and your target audience. You should also use popular hashtags that are related to your content, as well as hashtags that are specific to your industry.

How Can I Use Instagram Stories To Increase Engagement?

Instagram stories are a great way to engage with your followers and increase engagement. You can use stories to share behind-the-scenes content, highlight user-generated content, promote contests and giveaways, and more.

How Can I Use Instagram Live To Increase Engagement?

Instagram Live is a great way to engage with your followers in real-time. You can use Instagram Live to host Q&A sessions, give tutorials, share exclusive content, and more.

How Can I Use Instagram Ads To Increase Engagement?

Instagram Ads are a great way to reach a larger audience and increase engagement. You can use Instagram Ads to target specific audiences, promote specific content, and more.

How Can I Use Influencers To Increase Engagement?

Influencers are a great way to increase engagement on Instagram. You can work with influencers to promote your content, create sponsored posts, and more.

How Can I Use Contests And Giveaways To Increase Engagement?

Contests and giveaways are a great way to increase engagement on Instagram. You can use contests and giveaways to reward your followers, encourage user-generated content, and more.

How Can I Use Polls To Increase Engagement?

Polls are a great way to engage with your followers and increase engagement. You can use polls to get feedback from your followers, get ideas for new content, and more.

How Can I Use User-Generated Content To Increase Engagement?

User-generated content is a great way to increase engagement on Instagram. You can use user-generated content to highlight your followers, promote your products and services, and more.

How Can I Use Instagram Insights To Increase Engagement?

Instagram Insights is a great way to track your performance and increase engagement. You can use Instagram Insights to track your followers, engagement, and more.


In conclusion, increasing your Instagram engagement is a great way to build relationships with your followers and grow your brand. By using the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can create content that resonates with your audience, increase your reach, and drive more engagement.

If you have any questions about how to increase your Instagram engagement, please reach out to us. We’d be happy to help.

The Author

Yaron Been is an Ecommerce Entrepreneur, host of the EcomXFactor podcast and a Conversion Rate Optimization Expert.

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