How To Write Subject Lines That Increase Open Rates

Table of Contents

Writing Subject Lines: Best Practices
Writing Subject Lines: Common Mistakes
Writing Subject Lines: FAQ


We’ve all been there. You’ve crafted the perfect email, but you’re stuck on the subject line. You want to make sure your message is opened, but you don’t want to resort to clickbait. How do you write a subject line that will increase open rates without sacrificing your integrity?

I recently had this exact problem when I was trying to send out an email to my subscribers. I wanted to make sure that my message was opened, but I didn’t want to resort to clickbait. After doing some research, I discovered that there are some tried and true methods for writing subject lines that will increase open rates.

Writing effective subject lines is an important skill for any marketer or business owner. It’s the first thing that your readers will see, and it’s the first impression that you make. If you can craft a subject line that is both interesting and informative, you’ll be able to increase your open rates and get your message across.

Subject lines are the key to getting your message opened and read. They should be concise, clear, and to the point. They should also be interesting and engaging, so that your readers will be compelled to open the email. By following a few simple tips, you can write subject lines that will increase open rates and get your message across.

Writing Subject Lines: Best Practices

Subject lines are one of the most important elements of an email marketing campaign. They are the first thing that a recipient sees when they open their inbox, and they can make or break the success of your email. A good subject line can entice a recipient to open your email, while a bad one can cause them to delete it without a second thought.

To ensure that your emails get opened, it’s important to craft subject lines that are both engaging and informative. Here are some best practices for writing subject lines that will increase open rates:

Keep it short and sweet

When it comes to subject lines, less is more. Most email clients will only display the first few words of a subject line, so it’s important to keep it concise and to the point. Aim for no more than 50 characters, and make sure that the most important information is at the beginning.

Use actionable language

Using actionable language in your subject lines can help to grab the recipient’s attention and encourage them to open your email. Words like “discover”, “unlock”, and “learn” can be effective in conveying a sense of urgency and prompting the recipient to take action.

Personalize it

Personalization is a great way to make your emails stand out from the crowd. Using the recipient’s name in the subject line can help to grab their attention and make them feel like the email was written specifically for them. You can also use personalization tokens to include other information, such as their location or the product they recently purchased.

Avoid spammy words

Using words like “free”, “guarantee”, and “win” can trigger spam filters and cause your emails to be blocked or sent to the recipient’s spam folder. To avoid this, it’s best to avoid these words and phrases in your subject lines.

Test, test, test

The best way to find out what works for your audience is to test different subject lines and see which ones get the best results. Try A/B testing different versions of your subject lines to see which ones get the highest open rates.

Use emojis

Emojis can be a great way to add a bit of personality to your subject lines and make them stand out in the inbox. Just make sure to use them sparingly and only when they make sense.

Ask a question

Asking a question in your subject line can be a great way to grab the recipient’s attention and encourage them to open your email. Just make sure to keep it short and to the point.

Use numbers

Using numbers in your subject lines can help to make them stand out in the inbox and make them more eye-catching. For example, instead of “Learn how to increase your open rates”, you could use “7 tips to increase your open rates”.

Keep it consistent

It’s important to keep your subject lines consistent with the content of your emails. If your subject line promises something that isn’t in the email, it can lead to a high unsubscribe rate.

Avoid all caps

Using all caps in your subject lines can make them look spammy and can turn off recipients. Instead, use sentence case or title case to make your subject lines more readable.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your emails get opened and that your open rates increase. Just remember to keep testing and tweaking your subject lines to find out what works best for your audience.

Writing Subject Lines: Common Mistakes

Not Personalizing Your Subject Lines

Personalizing your subject lines is one of the most effective ways to increase open rates. Personalization can be as simple as including the recipient’s name or company name in the subject line. It can also be more complex, such as using dynamic content to tailor the subject line to the recipient’s interests or past purchases.

Personalization can also be used to create a sense of urgency or exclusivity, such as “[Name], don’t miss out on this limited-time offer!”

Not Keeping Your Subject Lines Short

Subject lines should be kept as short as possible, ideally no more than 50 characters. Longer subject lines are more likely to be truncated in the inbox, which can lead to confusion or a lack of clarity. Additionally, shorter subject lines are more likely to be read in full, as they are easier to scan quickly.

Not Using Actionable Language

Actionable language is language that encourages the recipient to take action. This can include words like “buy,” “download,” “sign up,” “subscribe,” and “register.” Actionable language can also include words that create a sense of urgency, such as “now,” “today,” and “limited-time.”

Not Testing Different Subject Lines

Testing different subject lines is one of the best ways to determine which subject lines are most effective. A/B testing involves sending two versions of the same email to two different groups of recipients and measuring the open rates of each version. This allows you to determine which subject line is more effective and use it for future emails.

Not Using Emojis

Emojis can be a great way to add personality to your subject lines and make them stand out in the inbox. However, it’s important to use them sparingly and only when appropriate. Too many emojis can make your subject line look cluttered and unprofessional.

Not Using Numbers

Numbers can be a great way to grab the recipient’s attention and make your subject line stand out. Numbers can also be used to create a sense of urgency, such as “Only 3 days left!” or “50% off for the next 24 hours.”

Not Using Questions

Questions can be a great way to engage the recipient and encourage them to open the email. Questions can also be used to create a sense of curiosity, such as “What’s the secret to success?” or “Can you guess what’s inside?”

Not Using Power Words

Power words are words that evoke emotion and create a sense of urgency. Examples of power words include “amazing,” “incredible,” “unbelievable,” “now,” “today,” and “limited-time.”

Not Using Negative Words

Negative words can be a great way to grab the recipient’s attention and create a sense of urgency. Examples of negative words include “stop,” “avoid,” “never,” and “don’t miss out.”

Not Using Positive Words

Positive words can be a great way to create a sense of excitement and encourage the recipient to open the email. Examples of positive words include “discover,” “unlock,” “unveil,” and “unlock.”

Writing Subject Lines: FAQ

What Is The Best Way To Write Subject Lines That Increase Open Rates?

The best way to write subject lines that increase open rates is to make them short, concise, and to the point. Keep the subject line to 50 characters or less, and make sure it accurately reflects the content of the email. Use action words and phrases that will grab the reader’s attention, such as “Free”, “Now”, “Today”, “New”, and “Limited Time”. Avoid using words like “Help”, “Reminder”, and “Newsletter”, as these can be seen as spammy.

What Should I Avoid When Writing Subject Lines?

When writing subject lines, you should avoid using words that are too long, overly promotional, or too vague. You should also avoid using words that are too technical or jargon-filled, as these can be difficult to understand. Additionally, you should avoid using words that are too generic, such as “Hello”, “Hi”, or “Hey”.

How Can I Make My Subject Lines Stand Out?

To make your subject lines stand out, you should use words that are unique and eye-catching. You should also use words that are relevant to the content of the email, as this will help to ensure that the reader is interested in the content. Additionally, you should use words that are specific to the offer or product that you are promoting, as this will help to make the subject line more relevant to the reader.

What Are Some Tips For Writing Effective Subject Lines?

When writing effective subject lines, you should keep them short and to the point. You should also use words that are relevant to the content of the email, as this will help to ensure that the reader is interested in the content.

Additionally, you should use words that are specific to the offer or product that you are promoting, as this will help to make the subject line more relevant to the reader. Additionally, you should use action words and phrases that will grab the reader’s attention, such as “Free”, “Now”, “Today”, “New”, and “Limited Time”.

How Can I Test My Subject Lines To See Which Ones Are Most Effective?

To test your subject lines to see which ones are most effective, you can use A/B testing. This involves sending two different versions of the same email to two different groups of people, and then measuring the open rates of each version.

This will help you to determine which subject line is more effective in terms of increasing open rates. Additionally, you can use tools such as Google Analytics to track the performance of your subject lines over time.

What Are Some Best Practices For Writing Subject Lines?

When writing subject lines, it is important to keep them short and to the point. You should also use words that are relevant to the content of the email, as this will help to ensure that the reader is interested in the content.

Additionally, you should use words that are specific to the offer or product that you are promoting, as this will help to make the subject line more relevant to the reader. Additionally, you should use action words and phrases that will grab the reader’s attention, such as “Free”, “Now”, “Today”, “New”, and “Limited Time”. Finally, you should avoid using words that are too long, overly promotional, or too vague.

What Are Some Common Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Subject Lines?

When writing subject lines, it is important to avoid using words that are too long, overly promotional, or too vague. You should also avoid using words that are too technical or jargon-filled, as these can be difficult to understand.

Additionally, you should avoid using words that are too generic, such as “Hello”, “Hi”, or “Hey”. Finally, you should avoid using words that are too salesy or pushy, as this can turn off potential readers.

How Can I Make Sure My Subject Lines Are Compliant With Spam Laws?

To make sure your subject lines are compliant with spam laws, you should avoid using words that are too promotional or salesy. Additionally, you should avoid using words that are too long, overly promotional, or too vague.

You should also avoid using words that are too technical or jargon-filled, as these can be difficult to understand. Finally, you should avoid using words that are too generic, such as “Hello”, “Hi


Writing effective subject lines is an important part of email marketing. It can be the difference between a successful campaign and one that falls flat.

By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can create subject lines that will help you get more opens and clicks. Remember to keep it short, use personalization, and be creative.

If you have any questions about how to write subject lines that increase open rates, please reach out to us. We’d be happy to help.

The Author

Yaron Been is an Ecommerce Entrepreneur, host of the EcomXFactor podcast and a Conversion Rate Optimization Expert.

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