How To Get More Sales With Email Marketing And Why Consistency Matters | Jason Wright And Yaron Been

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We are so happy to have with us today, Jason Wright on the EcomXFactor Podcast. Jason is an author, entrepreneur, consultant, and digital marketing architect with a passion for helping other startups and small businesses with their sales funnels. Jason prides himself on his ability to connect with people and speak to them in a language they understand. In this episode, Yaron and Jason covered a lot of amazing stuff about Email Marketing and the importance of having discipline and being consistent in your business, list size VS quality, building and automating lists efficiently, and other automation that can be very beneficial for store owners and entrepreneurs. Without further ado, here’s Yaron and Jason! And if you like what you hear, please subscribe, rate, and review us on Apple Podcasts and all major podcasting apps.
The Strategic Hiring Process: A Crucial Test
The hiring process plays a pivotal role in shaping a successful team. Rather than adopting conventional methods, Ugly Mug Marketing employs a multi-step approach designed to identify candidates aligning with the company’s values and demonstrating attention to detail. This includes a carefully crafted application process, meticulous attention to instructions, and a series of interviews.
Their goal is to filter out individuals lacking attention to detail, a trait considered crucial for success. By structuring the hiring process strategically, the company ensures that candidates not only possess the necessary skills but also seamlessly fit into the organizational culture.