Conversion Rate And Lifetime Value Optimization Services

By Yaron Been
All The Traffic In The World Means Nothing If It’s Not Converting Into Profits.
We Have Spent Millions Of Dollars On Ads (Social Casino, Ecommerce And Service Based Business) And We Realized That So Many
Businesses Are Missing A Lot Of Low Hanging Fruits.
Profits That Can Be Realized With Simple Tweaks And Tests.
After Conducting Hundred Of Tests And Tweaks We Have Developed A Unique, Data-Driven Process That Will Help You Increase Your AOVs, Conversion Rates, And Customer Retention.
Everything We Do Is Based On What Is Currently Working For Us And For Our Clients (Mostly 7 Figures Stores).


THE EcomXFactor CRO Process Consists Of The Following Steps

Analysis Of Your Current Sales Funnel: Technical aspects, messaging, UX/UI, copywriting, ads setup etc.
Analysis Of Your Email Marketing Flows
Analysis of Your Heatmaps, Session Recordings, and Google Analytics
Analysis of your customer support tickets
Conducting Usability Testing and Surveys
Identifying Roadblocks That Are Reducing Your Conversions and LTV
Defining & Prioritizing Opportunities to Increase Revenue and LTV
Creating a Plan to Test & Implement the Changes
Monitoring & Reporting on Results
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Yaron Been

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What is CRO?
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of visitors to a website who take a desired action — be that filling out a form, becoming customers, or otherwise.
A high conversion rate is what separates successful businesses from those that fail. It’s the difference between a company growing rapidly and one that’s barely scraping by.
With so much on the line, it’s no wonder that conversion rate optimization has become one of the most important concepts in digital marketing.