The Ultimate Guide To Quiz Funnels

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 5, 6, 7, and 8


Chapter 1 and 2

Chapter 1

What Is A Quiz Funnel?

A quiz funnel is a type of marketing funnel that uses a quiz to capture leads and segment your audience.

By offering a quiz, you can collect valuable information about your leads, such as their interests, needs, and pain points.


This information can then be used to create targeted content and offers that will appeal to your quiz takers.

Additionally, quiz funnels can be used to sell products or services.

What Are The Benefits Of A Quiz Funnel?

There are many benefits to using a quiz funnel, including:


  • Increasing engagement on your website or blog
  • Capturing leads and building your email list
  • Segmenting your audience for more targeted marketing
  • Selling products or services
  • Improving customer satisfaction
  • Boosting social media engagement
  • Quizzes can help you address customer uncertainties
  • Educating customers based on their specific issue
The Benefits Of A Quiz Funnel

Who Should Use A Quiz Funnel?

Almost any business can benefit from using a quiz funnel.

Here are some examples of businesses that could use a quiz funnel:

  • E-commerce stores
  • SaaS companies
  • Online courses and membership sites
  • Health and fitness coaches
  • Financial advisors
  • Realtors And more!

Chapter 2

How To Create A Quiz Funnel?

Like anything in business, before creating the quiz funnel, you must create a plan.

What is your goal with this quiz?

Is it to increase engagement on your website? 

Is it to segment your audience for more targeted marketing? 

Is it to boost social media engagement or improve customer satisfaction?

Your goal will determine what type of quiz you create.

If your goal is to increase engagement, you might want to create a fun personality quiz.

If your goal is to segment your audience, you’ll want to create a quiz that asks questions about their needs and pain points.

And if your goal is to boost social media engagement, you might want to create a shareable trivia quiz.

Once you’ve determined your goal, you can start creating your quiz.

Which Tool Should You Choose?

If you’re looking for a quiz funnels tool, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

First, what kind of quizzes do you want to create?

There are general purpose quiz builders that can be used for any type of quiz, as well as more specific tools that are designed for specific types of quizzes, such as personality quizzes or trivia quizzes.

Second, what features are you looking for?

Some quiz builders will allow you to add images and videos, while others will let you integrate with social media or email marketing platforms.

Third, how much are you willing to spend?

There are free and paid quiz builders available, so be sure to consider your budget when making your decision.

Fourth, make sure to choose that integrates with your tech stack (your CRM, your store/funnel SAAS etc)

By keeping these factors in mind, you’ll be able to choose the right quiz funnels tool for your needs.

Which Quiz Funnel Tool Should You Choose?

There are many different tools that can be used to create a quiz funnel, but not all of them are created equal.

The most recommended tools are:

  • Typeform
  • Survey Monkey
  • Outgrow
  • LeadQuizzes
  • Prehook

Each one of the tools offers slightly different benefits and features and you should choose the one that suits you.

Besides these tools you can also custom code a quiz.

After you sorted these out, the next step is thinking about questions.
We’ll cover that in the next chapter.

Typeform Quiz Builder

Chapter 3 and 4

Chapter 3

Your audience: who will be taking your quiz? 

Tailor your questions to appeal to your target audience.

Your goals: what do you hope to achieve with your quiz? 

Be sure your questions align with your overall objectives.

Your brand: how do you want to position your brand? 

Your questions should reinforce the image you want to project.

Your tone: what voice do you want to use? 

Have fun with it, or keep it serious? Choose a tone that fits with your brand and will engage your audience.

By taking the time to consider these factors, you can ensure that your quiz questions are on point and will help you achieve your desired results.

How To Choose Questions For Your Quiz Funnel

When choosing your questions remember that by the end of the quiz you want to get three key pieces of information:

  • The goals of your respondent
  • The problems that they are facing
  • How much money do they have to spend

Start out by asking questions that will provide you with some background information.

It’s recommended to ask ‘easy to answer’ questions in order to get your respondents to engage.

Demographic questions can be a good starting point.


Next, ask them questions that are related to their problem.

What is the biggest problem you face with X?

What have you already tried in order to solve X?

After collecting this information, you should ask them questions related to their goals?

What would they like to achieve?

How will it feel if they achieve it?


The Movie Star Body Quiz

Which Type Of Questions Should I Ask In A Quiz Funnel?

Different quiz funnels have different question types:


1. Multiple Choice:
This is the most common type of quiz funnel.

In a multiple choice quiz, the respondent is given a question and several answer options to choose from.

The respondent can only select one answer or tick a few answers. .


2. True or False:
In a true or false quiz, the respondent is given a statement and must decide if it is true or false.


3. Fill in the Blank:
In a fill in the blank quiz, the respondent is given a statement with one or more blanks.

The respondent must fill in the blanks to complete.

4.Scale questions:
In a scale question, the respondent is asked to rate something on a scale, usually from 1 to 10.

5.Open-ended questions:
Open-ended questions are quiz questions that do not have a set answer.

The respondent must provide their own answer.

Chapter 4

Like any other marketing effort, there isn’t a right way to create a quiz funnel.

Quiz funnels come in many shapes, lengths, and forms and the results depend on many factors.

Here’s is a list of elements and things you should test in your quiz funnel:


  • The format of your quiz
  • The length of your quiz
  • The number of questions in your quiz
  • The difficulty level of your quiz
  • The tone of your quiz
  • The look and feel of your quiz
  • The subject matter of your quiz
  • The prize you offer for completing the quiz
  • Using images in the quiz?
  • Personalizing the quiz
  • Including videos in the quiz
  • Having all questions in the same page?
  • Showing a progress bar
  • Adding a delay, “calculating” the results before showing them
  • Having a specific landing page for every result
  • Redirecting respondents to an answer page or sending them the results via email
We will cover different types of quizzes, including examples in the next chapter.
Which Elements Should You have in Your Quiz Funnel

Chapter 5, 6, 7, and 8

Chapter 5

Incentivized Quizzes

An incentivized quiz is a marketing tool used to generate leads and collect data in exchange for a prize.

The quiz-taker is required to provide their contact information, such as their email address or phone number, to be entered to win the prize.

Incentivized quizzes are often used by businesses in order to grow their customer base or learn more about their target audience.

They can be helpful in determining what products or services potential customers are interested in and how best to reach them.

Additionally, businesses can use incentivized quizzes as a way to engage with their existing customers and encourage them to spread the word about their brand.

Overall, incentivized quizzes are a versatile and powerful marketing tool that can be used to achieve a variety of objectives.

Incentivized Quiz
Data = Money. Don’t be afraid to offer gifts and bonuses in exchange to answering and information

Gated Offer Quizzes

Gated offer quizzes are a type of quiz that allows you to gate, or restrict, access to an offer based on the quiz results.

For example, if you’re selling a course on how to start a business, you could create a quiz with questions about business.

If someone gets a certain number of questions correct, they would then have access to the course.

This can be an effective way to increase conversions, as it allows you to weed out those who are not serious about the offer. Additionally, it can help you segment your audience and customize offers based on their interests.

Analysis Quizzes

Analysis quizzes are a type of marketing research that can be used to gather data about consumer behavior.

They are typically conducted online and require respondents to answer a series of questions about their buying habits and preferences.

Analysis quizzes can be used to collect data about a variety of topics, including brand awareness, product knowledge, and purchase intent.

In addition, they can be used to identify barriers to purchase, such as price sensitivity or lack of product information.

By using analysis quizzes, marketers can gain valuable insights into the minds of their target consumers.

Ultimately, this type of research can help businesses make more informed marketing decisions and improve their bottom line.

Loreal Paris Analysis Quiz
Loreal Paris Is helping their clients with finding the shade they should order

Consultation Quizzes

Consultation quizzes can assist your in identifying issues they’re having and offer a specific solution based on their needs

Product Discovery Quizzes

Product discovery quizzes are becoming an increasingly popular way for companies to connect with potential customers and learn about their needs and wants.

By asking a series of questions, businesses can quickly gather data about what people are looking for in a product or service.

This information can then be used to improve the company’s offerings and better target marketing efforts.

Additionally, product discovery quizzes can help to build relationships with potential customers and create a sense of loyalty and brand awareness.

As such, they are an invaluable tool for any business that is looking to grow and succeed.

Warby Parker Discovery Quiz
Warby Parker Helps their clients find out about which glasses are available and might match their style

Personal Style Quizzes

These quizzes ask a series of questions about your personal preferences, such as what colors you prefer, what kinds of clothes you like to wear, and what you consider to be your personal style.

Based on your answers, the quiz will generate a list of recommended clothing and accessories that will help you create a wardrobe that reflects your personal sense of style.

Quiz Funnel by Sephora
Sephora uses different Quiz Funnels. Almost one quiz per product category

Chapter 6

Mistake #1 – Using The Wrong Tools

Using the wrong tool for your quiz funnel can have a number of negative consequences. First, it can result in inaccurate data.

For example, if you’re using a tool that doesn’t allow for proper randomization, you may end up with a biased sample.

This can lead to invalid conclusions and ultimately hurt your business. Second, using the wrong tool can be a waste of time and money.

If you invest in a tool that doesn’t meet your needs, you’ll only end up frustrated and will have to start from scratch with something else.

Finally, using the wrong tool can damage your relationships with customers and prospects.

If they take your quiz and don’t get the results they expected, they may not trust you or your business in the future.

Therefore, it’s essential to choose the right quiz funnel tool for your business in order to avoid these negative consequences.

Mistake #2 – Using The Wrong Process

If you’re not using the right process when setting up your quiz funnel, you could be doing more harm than good.

Even if you have a great quiz idea, using the wrong process can lead to low opt-in rates and high drop-off rates.

That’s because the wrong process can create a friction point that causes people to abandon your quiz.

To avoid this, it’s important to use a process that’s been proven to work.

The best way to do this is to use a quiz funnel template.

This will ensure that you’re following a proven method for setting up your quiz and increase your chances of success.

Additionally, using a template will save you time and help you avoid common mistakes.

So if you’re serious about setting up a successful quiz funnel, be sure to use the right process.

Mistake #3 – Using The Wrong Offer

If you’re running a quiz funnel, one of the most important choices you’ll make is what offer to include at the end.

The wrong offer can quickly kill your conversions and destroy your chances of success.

So how do you choose the right offer? 

First, you need to understand what your quiz takers are looking for.

What is their main pain point?

What are they hoping to achieve by taking your quiz?

Once you have a good understanding of your audience, you can start to narrow down your offer options.

Do some research and look at what similar products or services are being offered for.

Try to find an offer that speaks directly to your audience’s needs and that provides real value.

The right offer can make all the difference in the success of your quiz funnel, so choose carefully!

Mistake #4 – Using The Wrong Hook

The hook is the central question or challenge that your quiz is based around, and it should be carefully chosen to appeal to your target audience.

If your hook is too easy, people will complete the quiz without giving it much thought, and they’re unlikely to remember your brand afterwards.

On the other hand, if your hook is too difficult, people will get frustrated and give up before they reach the end.

Either way, you’ll lose out on potential customers.

To ensure that your quiz funnel is effective, make sure that you choose a hook that strikes the right balance between challenge and relevance.

Mistake #5 – Using The Wrong Questions

Asking the wrong questions can have a negative impact on your quiz funnel for a number of reasons.

First, it can cause participants to drop out of the quiz early if they feel that the questions are not relevant to them.

Second, it can lead to incorrect answers being given, which can skew the results of the quiz and provide inaccurate data.

Finally, asking the wrong questions can simply be frustrating for participants and make them less likely to want to take the quiz again in the future.

By taking the time to carefully craft your questions, you can avoid these pitfalls and ensure that your quiz funnel is as effective as possible.

Chapter 7

How To Track Your Quiz Funnel Results?​

If you’re looking to improve your quiz funnel results, tracking is essential.

By understanding which steps in your funnel are performing well and which could use some improvement, you can make the necessary changes to optimize your results.

Here are a few key metrics to track:


-Quiz completion rate: 

This is the percentage of people who start your quiz that also complete it.

A low completion rate could indicate that your quiz is too long or confusing.


-Lead capture rate: 

This is the percentage of people who complete your quiz and opt in to receive more information from you.

A low lead capture rate could mean that you need to offer more incentive for people to take your quiz.


-Conversion rate:

This is the percentage of people who take your quiz and then go on to purchase something from you.

A low conversion rate could indicate that you need to adjust your sales pitch or offer more discounts.


By tracking these key metrics, you can get a better understanding of how your quiz funnel is performing and make the necessary changes to improve your results.

Which Tools Do You Use In Order To Track Your Quiz Funnel Results?​

There are a number of ways to track your quiz funnel results.

Perhaps the most important tool is Google Analytics.

This free platform provides a wealth of data that can be used to track quiz performance.

For example, you can use Google Analytics to see how many people start your quiz, how many people complete it, and what the average completion rate is.

You can also use Google Analytics to segment your audience and see how different groups of people interact with your quiz.

This data can be essential for understanding which parts of your quiz are working well and which need improvement.

In addition to Google Analytics, there are a number of other tools that can be used to track quiz funnel results.

For example, many quiz builders offer built-in analytics that can be used to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, there are a number of third-party platforms that offer quiz analytics services.

These services generally provide more detailed data than what is available through Google Analytics, but they come at a cost.

Ultimately, the best way to track your quiz funnel results will depend on your specific needs and budget.

Google analytics is the leading online tool for tracking website performance

Other Tools You Should Use To Monitor Your Quiz Funnel

If you’re not using heatmaps and session recording to monitor your quiz funnel, you’re missing out on valuable insights.

Heatmaps show you where people are clicking and how far they’re scrolling, so you can see which parts of your quiz are working well and where people are getting stuck.

Session recording lets you watch people as they take your quiz, so you can see exactly what they’re doing and identify any areas of confusion.

Together, these tools give you a much better understanding of how people are interacting with your quiz, so you can make improvements and increase conversion rates.

If you want to get the most out of your quizzes, make sure you’re using heatmaps and session recording to keep an eye on your funnel.

Viewing Session Recording with Lucky Orange
Viewing Session Recording with Lucky Orange

Chapter 8

You can use your quiz funnel anywhere you want to collect leads and sell products.

You can use it on your website, blog, social media, or even in person at events.

The sky’s the limit!

There are endless possibilities for how you can use your quiz funnel to grow your business.

Here are just a few ideas:

1) Use it on your website to collect leads and sell products.

You can use it as a landing page.

You can use it as an exit-intent popup.

You can use it in a post-purchase funnel.

You can have the quiz on your homepage or even as part of your product page.

2) Use it on social media to generate buzz and get people talking about your brand.

3) Use it in person at events to collect contact information from people who are interested in what you have to offer.

4) Use it as part of an email marketing campaign to drive traffic to your website or the product page.

The possibilities are endless!

Just get creative and have fun with it.

The most important thing is that you’re using your quiz funnel to grow your business in a way that works for you and your brand.

And if you need any help with building your quiz, feel free to reach out to us.


I hope you enjoyed my guide to building a Quiz Funnel.

Quiz funnels are very powerful and offer many benefits.

Are you going to work on a quiz?

Let me know by leaving a quick comment below right now.

The Author

Yaron Been is an Ecommerce Entrepreneur, host of the EcomXFactor podcast and a Conversion Rate Optimization Expert.

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